Reprint editions of historical and genealogical books for Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

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After 50+ years in Spartanburg, South Carolina, we have moved to New Bern, North Carolina, to be closer to family members. We plan to continue the operations of The Reprint Company Publishers from our new home.

Welcome to our online home and catalogue and a complete listing of the regional, local history, and genealogical books we have in print. You may search our complete list of titles or browse by state and other categories.  Complete descriptive, bibliographic, and price information is found with the book’s listing.  When books particularly apply to more than one state or category, they will show in multiple categories. 

If you are a current customer, we thank you for and appreciate your past business. And, if you are viewing our books for the first time, we welcome you and hope that you find something of interest.

Thomas E. Smith, Publisher